Does your guy find the television screen more captivating than he finds you? Is he quicker to notice any and everything else before he notices your new hair or that you’re upset? If you want to know how to get your guy to notice you more then read on. These tips will make him stand up and take notice of you the way he did when you first met.

Change things up…

look more interesting in nice dressIf you’re already in a relationship with a guy who doesn’t seem to pay the attention that he used to or if you’ve been spending a lot of time with a guy who you wish would notice you more, then it’s probably time to shake things up a little and spark some new interest. Girlfriends, wives, friends—you all run the risk of becoming practically invisible to a guy if you fall into a routine. Shake things up with a new look or even a new attitude. If you’ve been doting and working your butt off at being extra nice in hopes that he’ll notice you more, then stop making it all about him by backing off and spending time with friends or working on a project. Get a new outfit, change your hair, or dress up a little if he’s accustomed to seeing you dressed down. As long as it’s a good change, then he’s going to notice.


Let your body do the talking…

let your body do the talkingBody language is a language worth learning if you want men to notice you. Instead of trying to say things to get his attention, instead let your body work its magic. Wearing sexy lingerie will get your guy to notice you and entice him to pay attention.Try leaning in close and let a part of your body just graze him when you have something to say or are walking past him. When he’s talking to you, try the ultimate sexy move and run your hand along your neck and just above your décolletage (neckline)—just not too obviously though! Your moves should always be fluid and not look jerky or forced. Great posture also shows off your assets and makes you appear more confident which is always a good thing. And, don’t forget to smile!

Make eye contact…

Looking someone in the eye when you speak to them instantly makes the conversation more intimate and makes you appear more confident. It also shows your interest in what he’s saying, which believe it or not, is actually important to guys. If you catch him looking your way, make eye contact and hold his gaze for a second and then look away. It works like a charm to get him to notice you more and leaves him wanting more. Besides; staring at anyone too intensely and for too long can be, well, a little creepy!

Don’t be so uptight…

Women in love are strange creatures in that they want the guy to notice them and give them more attention, but then act uptight around them, which can actually have the opposite effect. Playing it cool and not coming off as too eager or easy is one thing, but make sure you’re not going too far and coming off as uptight. Men notice women who laugh and are able to let loose. They want girls who are easy to be with and who are fun to be around. Don’t be afraid to make a joke or enjoy a belly laugh around a guy that you’re trying to win over. Even the supermodel in the room doesn’t stand a chance at getting him to notice her if she seems like a stick in the mud.

Take it slow…

If you do manage to get him to notice you more, resist the urge to rush things and instead take your time and continue to do the things that have been working to get him to notice you more. It’s easy to get all excited in the throes of his renewed or increased attention and start wanting to see him more and push things along. Don’t! This will backfire very quickly and take you right back at square one.

Talk to other guys…

If you’re single and have been interested in a guy for a while and trying to figure out how to get him to notice you more; talking to other guys is a quick way to get him to take notice. Don’t take it too far and risk giving him the impression that your taken. The goal here is to light a fire under his butt, so to speak, and show him that not only are there other guys noticing you, but also that he may miss out if he doesn’t make a move soon. And, what men want when it comes to women is a challenge and what better way to challenge the alpha male in him than with some healthy potential competition with another guy? Those of you in a relationship with a guy who doesn’t seem to pay enough attention to you can also benefit from this tip—just don’t go too far and come across like you’re being unfaithful.

To sum it up…

Getting a guy to stand up and notice you more requires doing things to get his attention and stir his inner caveman all while being subtle about it. Men are not that difficult and figuring out what men want isn’t rocket science. These simple creatures like to feel noticed and admired too. The thing is though; they also enjoy the thrill of the chase so you need to find a good balance between letting him feel your interest and attraction without making it too obvious and too easy. Your eyes and body can do a great job at hinting your interest and stirring something deep inside him. Appealing to the alpha male in him will always pay off when it comes to how to get him to notice you more, so be feminine, don’t chase so he has to do some of the work, and let him know that you’re desirable to other guys to spark a little healthy competition and renewed interest.

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